Live Minting

Each mint in all collections can be configured via live minting. The live minting experience is designed by the artist, and is used to generate the final metatdata for the mint.

With Cognitive Canvas, live minting isn't just restricted to simple parameters or settings. We allow virtually any kind of data to be integrated into the live minting experiene, including images, video, audio, AI generated images and assets, json, text, the browser camera and microphone, etc.

Artists have few restrictions on what they allow the minter to do, and more importantly, how they do it.

Artist Designed Live Mint UI

One of the primary advantages of CC is its flexibility in the design of the Live Minting user interface. CC remains impartial to the appearance, functionality, or presentation of the interface, instead offering a range of hooks, libraries, and tools that facilitate the crafting of a seamless Live Minting experience. Additionally, CC provides an intuitive, browser-based development environment to create the Live Minting interface, streamlining the process and ensuring a foolproof experience.

Incorporating images, videos, AI-generated assets, or virtually any parameters or data into the Live Minting UI is a breeze, empowering artists to unleash their creativity and explore vast design possibilities. As an example, crafting a QQL-like experience with CC is easily achievable, opening up a world of artistic potential.

Live Mint Process

Live minting is a two step process. First Mint from a collection. Then customize the mint via Live Minting.

Initial Mint

The initial mint is done in the normal way from our Mint page. When the mint completes, the user will see the mint on the Live Mint page waiting for the user to customize. It is otherwise a normal NFT in every respect.

If you are familiar with fxhash, I'm sure you've seen the 'Waiting to be Signed' image on a mint when the full metadata has not been generated yet.

Cognitive Canvas is similar, except that what you will initially see is up to the artist.

Live Minting

On fxhash, there is an automatic process that runs in the background to complete the metadata for each mint. This includes generating the final metadata for the mint and generating the thumbnail.

With Cognitive Canvas, a live minting experience created by the artist is substituted for this automatic generation process. Instead of a restricted predetermined automatic process to create mints, a flexible, completely open ended, and artist designed process takes it's place.

The Mint Reserve

In order to incentivize a minter to configure mints, the artist can add a Mint Reserve that is added to the mint cost. The Mint Reserve is returned to the user when they configure the mint.

If a mint is not configured via live minting in a set time period (usually at least one week from the time you mint), the artist can do it instead. The delay is set by the artist when publishing the collection, and is one of the fail safes we use to ensure acceptable mints.

The delay and mint reserve are listed on the mint page of each collection, so you know the parameters before you mint.

Whoever completes the live mint configuration receives the mint reserve.

Mint Reserves as Incentives

Artists can set the mint reserve as high or as low as they want, so it can be used in a variety of ways to incentive certain behaviors.

One behavior that can be controlled via the Mint Reserve is disincentivizing bots. If there is an extra cost, even a small extra cost, it could prevent bot activity.

Mistakes and Malicious Behavior

The Live Minting process on CC is very open ended. Artists have the option to incorporate browser camera photos, videos, or other user-uploaded data into the Live Minting experience. However, this does present the risk of users including inappropriate images or data, either as a prank, with malicious intent, or simply by mistake, resulting in an undesirable mint.

Artist Override

To address these situations, Cognitive Canvas incorporates a failsafe mechanism. A flag called *canArtistOverride* can be activated when publishing a collection.

When this flag is enabled, the artist has the ability to modify mints within a specified time frame after the initial minting process.

For intricate Live Mints or when user-generated data is permitted in the Live Minting process, enabling this feature is likely a prudent decision.